
3 Questions To Ask When Selling Your Damaged Car

You’re driving on the highway to your BFF’s birthday bash blasting out MC Hammer’s ‘You Can’t Touch This’ while doing a couple of the dance moves. You’re travelling at the speed limit of 120km/h when suddenly, from out of nowhere, a cow steps onto the road. In a split second, as you register the cow’s startled expression, you hit the brakes, skid to the side of the road and frontend a tree. Fortunately, you are alright (apart from serious whiplash and airbag bruising). But your car is not okay. As you get out and assess your damaged vehicle, your adrenaline kicks into overdrive and your only thought is “What now?

This is where Sell Your Damaged Car comes to the rescue (perhaps not as quickly as those tow trucks that seem to appear out of nowhere!). We are ready to answer your questions and lend a helping hand in the midst of traumatic and stressful circumstances.

We give you the reassurance you’re looking for at an emotional time and help with the next steps as you realise your wrecked car is not going anywhere.

Here’s what you can expect when you choose to sell your accident-damaged car on our online platform:

#1 Why should I sell my car?

Your damaged car is either non-running or no longer safe to drive. Plus you don’t have insurance, so there’s no payout. Whether the car was wrecked in a fire, flood, storm, slowly corroded by rust or rendered non-running due to a mechanical or electrical issue, you’re in a fair pickle. Repairing it would not be worth your while since it would probably end up costing more than the car is worth.

What you need is fast cash to get you back on the road as soon as possible and selling your seriously accident-damaged vehicle seems like the best solution.

Wrecked cars strewn the road after an accident
#2 Who should I sell it to?

Our website is really uncomplicated as we are committed to a user-friendly and hassle-free experience. (The last thing we want to do is add to your stress). As soon as you land on our homepage, you will see the block where you can fill in your name, location, email address and mobile number as well as your car’s details.

You have a few options:

  • A scrapyard - The scrapyard will see your vehicle as a little more than a hunk of junk after it was badly damaged in an accident and will give you little return on investment. They are not going to look at the value of your car’s parts but will rather pay you according to the weight of the vehicle’s scrap metal. Plus, you will still have to sift through the paperwork to deregister your car.
  • Private sale to a collector or mechanic - Are you prepared to wait for weeks or months for a good offer? Most private sales take time. You will also need to look out for scammers who jump out of the woodwork looking to make a quick buck. And then there’s the risk of the buyer being unhappy with the car and claiming their money back.
  • Sell Your Damaged Car - We buy vehicles in any condition. As the largest salvage auctioneer in SA, we know what your wrecked vehicle is worth. Our streamlined process ensures a quick turnaround time and instant money in your bank account.
#3 How does Sell Your Damaged Car work?

Our online 5 simple step process is set up to be as streamlined as possible and not add any further stress to your circumstances.

  • Fill in your details - type in your name, location, contact details and car details on our user-friendly site
  • Upload some photos - document the extent of the damage by taking photos from all angles. If your car does still start, it would be useful to upload a video.
  • Chat to one of our friendly consultants - A staff member will call or WhatsApp you to guide you through the next steps and arrange valuation of your damaged car.
  • Receive an offer - Our specialist industry assessors will determine a fair and competitive offer (this should take less than an hour and a half and is obligation-free).
  • Leave a review - Like our service? Show your appreciation by leaving a review.
Person takes photo of damaged car

Check out what fellow South Africans in similar situations have to say about their experiences when selling their cars on our platform.

What now? Sell your damaged car with us!

You don’t need to add more stress to the process of recovering from a traumatic collision. Sell your damaged car through our hassle-free, online process and we will arrange free towing and handle all the paperwork to deregister your car. Plus we will pay you out in cash!


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